Language test for MBAs

GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)

The GMAT determines the qualification for master programs at economic faculties. The test includes an essay, a section in which various data and statements have to be interpreted and two multiple choice questionnaires. 

For the “Analytical Writing Assessment Section” the examinee has 30 minutes to process a given topic analytically. The second part is called “Integrated Reasoning Section” and also lasts around 30 minutes in which the examinee has to answer 12 questions about different data sources (tables, diagrams, etc.).  Both questionnaires (consisting of a “Quantitative Section” and a “Verbal Section”) have to be answered in 75 minutes each. The first questionnaire tests mathematic, logical and quantitative skills. The second is focused on language and numeric skills, the English grammar and reading comprehension. Different to the TOEFL test, the GMAT is not a pure language test but also measures the analytical skills of the person being tested.  

The GMAT exam can be taken year-round. Let us help you find the right school in England to get prepared for the GMAT exam!

The test can be repeated several times and is valid for five years.


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